Assignment 12


1.                  Convert from degrees to radians:

a.      45°

b.      60°

c.      140°

d.      720°

2.                  Convert from radians to degrees:

a.      o/3

b.      5o/6

c.      1

d.      16o/5

3.                  Solve and sketch the following triangles.  In each, A,B,C, represent the angles, and a,b,c are the sides opposite the corresponding angle.

a.      A = 30°, B = 110°, c = 2

b.      a = 4, b = 6, c = 8

c.      A = 45°, b = 2, c = 3

4.                  Attempt to solve the following triangles.  What do you find?  Explain.

a.      A = 35°, b = 4, a = 3

b.      A = 40°, b = 6, a = 3

c.      A = 50°, b = 3, a = 5

5.                  On the unit circle, mark all points representing angles h with

a.      sin(h) = .2

b.      cos(h) = -.9

c.      tan(h) = 3