Description of Research Interests


My research focuses mostly on diagnostic methods and on their applications to reliability and engineering models. These two areas are the core areas within the statistical research community, and are viewed favorably at some technical institutions such as New Mexico Tech. My research is published in solid research journals, and these articles contain several useful results which represent unique additions to the literature on these topics.


I started my research on the problems of detection of outliers and influential observations in univariate and multivariate regression and ANOVA models. I have published several papers in this area; some with my advisor and some of them by myself. My work on the detection of influential observations in multivariate regression, ANOVA, and MANOVA models has made a good impact and has been adopted in classroom teaching.  Also, one of my papers (A comparative study on detection of influential observations in linear regression) has simplified the life of many practitioners, in terms of giving them a clear cut choice among many of the measures.


In the past few years I have been focused on the other fields of statistics. My current research interests have expanded to cover both theory and applications, and include multivariate analysis, survival estimation, Bayesian estimation, and reliability. I have published several papers on estimation and prediction under some special distributions. For several years, I have conducted research with the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and the Petroleum Recovery Research Center. Also I have several publications based on collaborative work, including one with a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Mexico, with an associate professor, Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL, and another with a professor at the University of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.


Currently, I am finishing at least two research projects with two distinguished faculty members at the University of New Mexico in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.  In one project, we have already obtained some important results with work still in progress and we are making satisfactory progress on the other project.  I am active in my research and also involved in professional activities. Statistics is a growing and exciting field with applications to many areas of Science and Biological Science and my goal is to continue to work on a team with colleagues from other disciplines. The other areas that I have a keen interest in and hope to work with in the future are health and environmental sciences.


Beyond the areas mentioned, I do consider myself flexible and open to new avenues of research. Over time, other areas of statistics may develop or become more useful, depending on the current needs in statistics, which will stimulate my thinking and possibly lead to a new research project. Whichever department I end up working with, I hope to maintain a good communication with other faculty members, which will undoubtedly lead to rewarding work and relationships. I would like to continue to maintain this level of professional activity in the future and I am strongly committed to do that.